Food & Frozen Food Industry
Product printed on
Food container (Plastic Bag)
Which ink jet coder is being used?
Linx 7300 Inkjet Printer with Linx Black 1014 Ink
160 pack/minute
Messages content
Product Description, MFG and EXP
Number of new Linx units sold
Why we won
• Superior ink and solvent consumption and cost of maintenance
Customer comments
• Extremely reliable
Linx 7300
• Lowest running costs and no hidden costs.
• Minimum downtime - maximum reliability. Error-free coding
• Future-proof features and flexibility
S&P Syndicate Public Company Limited and its group of companies operates a restaurant and bakery business, which includes the distribution of products under the “S&P” name, categorised as follows. Domestic restaurants and bakeries the operation of restaurant branches and bakery shops nationwide, under the various brands of “S&P”, “Patio”, “Patara”, “Vanilla”, “Golden Dragon”, and “Bluecup” coffee. Overseas restaurants the operation of Thai restaurants abroad under the names “Patara”, “Siam Kitchen”, “Thai” and “Patio”. Production and distribution of other products the production and distribution of bakery products,frozen prepared foods, sausage and ham products,pasta, food colourings and essences used in the food industry. These are sold under the names “S&P”, “Delio”, “Patio”, “Vanilla”, “Bluecup” and “Royallee”. The products are distributed through the Company’s own restaurants and bakery shops, Other services the provision of other related services, such as home delivery of foods and outside catering.
Why we won?
The Linx 7300 has low running costs and avoids hidden costs, saving money with every print. The 7300 is supported by a wide range of inks for fast non-contact printing onto most materials. In this case, the customer is using Linx Black Ink 1014.
The Linx 7300 hase a service interval of up to 6000 hours combined with minimal routine maintenance and downtime - all of which keeps the customer’s line running and his costs low.